
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Apply for permission to create full projects

Please note:
The following steps are only required for people who have not yet gone through the approval process with either the old CVS accounts or the new Git accounts.
After contributing a useful and working module or theme as a sandbox project, you may go through a one-time approval process to get permission to promote it (and future projects) to a full project.
As successful completion of the project application process results in the applicant being granted the "Create Full Projects" permission, there is no need to take multiple applications through the process.
The application review volunteers will analyze your code to ensure you are writing secure code, following the coding standards, generally following best practices, familiar with proper usage of the Drupal APIs, and promoting collaboration over competition (i.e., not duplicating functionality already available in other modules). For more details, read what to expect during a review.
Here is the process:
  1. Obtain basic Git access and Create a sandbox project for your code.
  2. Get your project into a state you feel is release-ready. Ideally, you would commit the project early and have a track record of several weeks/months of commits so that application reviewers can get an idea of your development and maintenance style.
  3. Have a look at the Project application checklist and try to resolve common issues.
  4. It is strongly recommended that you take part in the review bonus program, otherwise you will not get reviews of your code for several weeks. So make sure to review three other project applications before posting your own.
  5. Once ready, create a new issue in the Project Applications queue [Note: Do NOT edit this page! Create a new issue.]
  6. Fill out the issue form:
    • Component: 'module', 'theme' or 'feature' (depending on the application)
    • Category: task
    • Status: needs review
    • Title: Your project name
    • Description:
      1. A detailed description of what your project does, including how it is different from other, similar projects, if applicable.
      2. For themes it's helpful to include a screenshot.
      3. A link to your project page.
      4. A direct link to your git repository (git clone ...).
      5. Please specify if it's for Drupal 6 and/or 7.
      6. A list of links to reviews of other project applications that you did.
  7. Reviewers will then examine your code and provide feedback over the coming days/weeks (again see What to Expect). Please be patient, and make the changes requested of you.
  8. Once given the sign off, you will be granted permissions both to create full projects and to promote your sandbox projects to full projects.

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